Published Abstracts and Conference Proceedings
Chang, S-E., Liu, Y., Hobler, F., Becker, H., Angstadt, M., Beltz, A. (2024). Subgroup-level functional connectivity of the M1 inter-effector areas differentiating stuttering and non-stuttering children. To be presented at Society for the Neurobiology of Language Conference, Brisbane, Australia. (October 2024).
Chang, S-E., Liu, Y., Hobler, F., Becker, H., Caruso, V., Angstadt, M., Beltz, A. (2024). Distinct subgroup-level functional connectivity in stuttering and non-stuttering children. Presented at the annual OHBM meeting, Seoul (June, 2024).
Liu, Y., Hampton Wray, A., Treleaven S., Caruso, V., Lescht, E., Garnett, E., Chang, S-E. (2024). Rhythmic Cues Influence Neural Oscillations Differently in Adults and Children. Presented at the annual OHBM meeting, Seoul (June, 2024).
Treleaven, S., Rubsam, S., Sheppard, M., Yaruss, J. S., Chang, S.-E. (2024). Assessing childhood stuttering recovery: Incorporating self-identification, caregiver, and clinician reports through adolescence. The World Stuttering and Cluttering Organization Joint World Congress, May 16-18, 2024: Austin, Texas. Poster Presentation.
Neef, N., Chang, S. -E. (2024). Brain changes associated with stuttering therapy and spontaneous recovery. 13th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP), May 13-17, 2024: Autrans, France. Poster Presentation.
Höbler, F., Garnett, E. O., Liu, Y., Chow, H. M., & Chang, S.-E. (2024). Speech and language abilities associated with regional corpus callosum development in children who stutter. 13th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP), May 13-17, 2024: Autrans, France. Poster Presentation.
Garnett, E.O., Rann, B., Mularoni, N., Smith, T., Chang, S-E., & McAuley, J.D. (2024). Relationship between working memory and rhythm discrimination in adults who stutter. Poster Presentation. 13th International Seminar on Speech Production, May 2024, Autrans, FR.
Weerathunge H.R., Dunsmuir C.J., Dragičević D.,Tomassi N.E., Cushman M.R., Feaster T., Abur D., Guenther F.H., Stepp C.E. (2024), Investigating the Effects of Auditory and Somatosensory Feedback on Laryngeal and Articulatory Motor Control in Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease, 13th International Seminar on Speech Production, 13-17 May 2024, Autrans, France
Garnett, E. O., Dolecki, F., Mularoni, N., Rann, B., Smith, T., Chang, S.-E., & McAuley, J.D. (2023). Non-Speech Timing in Adults Who Stutter: Evidence from Rhythmic Tapping at Fast and Slow Tempos. Annual American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention (Nov 2023). Boston, MA. Poster presentation.
Garnett, E. O., Dolecki, F., Mularoni, N., Rann, B., Smith, T., Chang, S. E., & McAuley, J.D. (2023). Speech-specific or domain general timing in stuttering. Society for the Neurobiology of Language (Oct 2023). Marseille, France. Poster presentation.
McAuley, J.D., Rann, B., Dolecki, F., Smith, T., Chang, S. E., & Garnett, E. O. (2023). What does the spontaneous speech synchronization task measure? Society for the Neurobiology of Language (Oct 2023). Marseille, France. Poster presentation.
Chang, S-E., Liu, Y., Caruso, V., Becker, H., Angstadt, M., Hobler, F. (2023). Distinct functional connectivity patterns in stuttering and non-stuttering children: A confirmatory network analysis using CS-GIMME. Society for the Neurobiology of Language (Oct 2023). Marseille, France. Poster presentation.
Liu, Y., Hampton Wray, A., Treleaven S., Caruso, V., Lescht, E., Garnett, E., Chang, S-E. (2023). Differential entrainment of neural oscillations during spoken word processing in children who stutter. Society for the Neurobiology of Language (Oct 2023). Marseille, France. Poster presentation.
Höbler, F., Chow, H. M., Garnett, E. O., Liu, Y., & Chang, S.-E. (2023). Corpus callosum development in children who stutter. The Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language (Oct 2023). Marseille, France. Poster Presentation.
Caruso, V., Treleaven, S., Liu, Y., Lescht, E., Garnett, E.O., Hampton Wray, A., Chang, S-E. (2023). Effects of auditory entrainment on neural oscillations during speech motor preparation in children who stutter. Oxford Dysfluency Conference, Oxford, UK.
Treleaven, S., Sheppard, M., Bernstein Ratner, N., Chang, S-E. (2023). Expressive language growth among young children who stutter. Oxford Dysfluency Conference, Oxford, UK.
Chang, S-E., Chow, H.M., Garnett, E.O. (2023). Early markers and neurodevelopmental trajectories associated with stuttering persistence and recovery. Oxford Dysfluency Conference, Oxford, UK.
Höbler, F., Garnett, E. O., Liu, Y., Chow, H. M., & Chang, S.-E. (2023). Bimanual Motor Skill and Corpus Callosum Morphology in Children Who Do and Do Not Stutter. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual (ASHA) Convention. Boston, USA. Poster Presentation.
Rann, B., Dolecki, F., Smith, T., Garnett, E. O., Chang, S. E., & McAuley, J.D. (2023). What does the spontaneous speech synchronization task measure? Midwest Cognitive Science Conference (May 2023). Grand Rapids, MI. Poster presentation.
Johnson, C., Chow, H., Liu, Y., Chang, S-E. (2022). Cerebellar Gray Matter Morphology in Children Who Stutter. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA. *Meritorious poster designation
Garnett, E.O., Nieto Castanon, A., Holland, B., Tourville, J., Chow, H., Guenther, F., Chang, S-E. (2022). Stuttering Severity is Reflected in Auditory Cortical Volume in Children Who Stutter. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA.
Miller, H., Garnett, E.O., Heller Murray, E., Nieto Castanon, A., Tourville, J., Chang, S-E., Guenther, F. (2022). Structural Morphometry of stuttering across the lifespan. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA.
Chow, H., Chang, S-E., (2022). Connecting the Dots Between Neuroimaging and Genetics to Understand the Biological Bases of Stuttering. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA.
Kearney, E., Miller, H., Chang, S-E., Guenther, F. (2022). DIVA explained: Applying models of speech production to clinical populations. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA.
Liu, Y., Chow, H., Chang, S-E. (2022). Development of Cerebellar Lobule VI, and Its Association With Stuttering Severity in Children Who Stutter. Society for the Neurobiology of Language Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Nanda, S., Usler, E., Garnett, E.O., Chang, S-E., Chow, H.M. (2022). Concurrent gray and white matter development anomalies in children who stutter, Joint World Congress on Stuttering and Cluttering (May, 2022). Montreal, Canada
Garnett, E.O., McAuley D.J., Wieland, E.A., Chow, H.M., Zhu, D.C., Dilley, D.S., Chang S-E. (2022). Neural correlates of auditory rhythm discrimination in adults who stutter, Joint World Congress on Stuttering and Cluttering (May, 2022). Montreal, Canada
Treleaven, S., Sheppard, M., Bernstein Ratner, N., Chang, S. E. (2022). Exploring the role of expressive language growth in recovery from stuttering, Joint World Congress on Stuttering and Cluttering (May 2022). Montreal, Canada
Liu, Y., Treleaven, S., Johnson, C., Chow, H. M., Chang, S. E. (2022). Error-related neural response scales with cerebellar gray matter volume in children who stutter, Madonna Motor Speech Conference (February, 2022). Charleston, SC
Caruso C.V., Hampton Wray A., Lescht E., Liu Y., Garnett E.O., Chang S.E. (2022). Dynamics of neural oscillations in children who stutter performing a non-speech motor task, Madonna Motor Speech Conference (February, 2022). Charleston, SC
Burton C., Garnett E.O., Capellari E., Taylor, S.F. (2022). Systematic review of combined tDCS and cognitive training interventions, International Neuropsychological Society annual meeting (February, 2022). New Orleans, LA
Johnson, C., Liu, Y., Waller, N., Chang, S-E. (2021). Cerebellar white matter diffusivity in children who stutter. American Speech-Language-Hearing Convention (November 2021). Washington, DC.
Lescht, E., Bohland, J., Sheppard, M., Garnett, E., Chang, S-E., Hampton Wray, A. (2021). Nonword repetition error pattern analysis in children who stutter. American Speech-Language-Hearing Convention (November 2021). Washington, DC.
Garnett, E.O., Wieland, E., Chow, H., Dilley, L., McAuley, D., Chang, S-E. (2021). Neural correlates of rhythm discrimination in adults who stutter. American Speech-Language-Hearing Convention (November 2021). Washington, DC.
Chow, H., Garnett, E.O., Bernstein-Ratner, N., Chang, S-E. (2021). Brain activity during the preparation and production of continuous speech in children with persistent stuttering. American Speech-Language-Hearing Convention (November 2021). Washington, DC.
Caruso, V., Hampton Wray, A., Lescht, E., Liu, Y., Garnett, E.O., Chang, S-E. (2021). Neural oscillations and synchrony during a non-speech motor task in children who stutter. American Speech-Language-Hearing Convention (November 2021). Washington, DC.
Liu, Y., Hampton Wray, A., Lescht, E., Hall, M., Fitzgerald, K., Chang, S-E. (2021). Alteration of Brain Response to Errors in Children Who Stutter. American Speech-Language-Hearing Convention (November 2021). Washington, DC.
Singer, C., Chang, S-E., Jones, R. (2021). Predicting Persistent Developmental Stuttering Using a Cumulative Risk Approach. American Speech-Language-Hearing Convention (November 2021). Washington, DC.
Garnett, E. O., Chow, H., Sheppard, M., Spray, G., Chang, S-E. (2021). Effects of HD-tDCS on speech fluency in adults who stutter: a randomized controlled trial. 12th International Seminar on Speech Production.
Chow, H-M., Johnson, C., Spray, G., Garnett, E. O., Koenraads, S., Chang, S-E. (2021). Gray and white matter developmental trajectories associated with childhood stuttering persistence and recovery. Oxford Dysfluency Conference, Oxford, UK
Spray, G., Chow, H-M., Yaruss, J., Chang, S-E. (2021). Associations between white matter integrity and phonological skills in children who stutter. Oxford Dysfluency Conference, Oxford, UK
Johnson, C., Masti, R., Russell, K., Rubsam, S., Sheppard, M., Garnett, E. O., Chang, S-E. (2021). Weighted stuttering-like disfluency measure reliably identifies children who stutter with low stuttering frequency. Oxford Dysfluency Conference, Oxford, UK
Garnett, E.O., Chow, H.M., Sheppard, M., Spray, G. S. & Chang, S.-E.: Effects of HD-tDCS on Speech Fluency in Adults Who Stutter: A Randomized Controlled Trial., Poster presented at the 12th International Seminar on Speech Production, Providence, RI, 12/2020.
Garnett, E. O., Taigman, J., McAuley, D., & Chang, S-E., (2020). Rhythm discrimination in adults who stutter. Poster presented at the Virtual Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language. October, 2020
Garnett, E. O., Chow, H.M., Sheppard, M., Rabbah, A., Spray, G. S., & Chang, S.-E. (Submitted). Effects of HD-tDCS on Speech Fluency in Adults Who Stutter: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Technical Research Presentation submitted to the Annual American Speech-Language-Hearing Convention (November 2020), San Diego, CA.
Garnett, E. O., Chow, H.M., Sheppard, M., Spray, G. S., & Chang, S.-E. (December, 2020). Effects of HD-tDCS on Speech Fluency in Adults Who Stutter: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Poster accepted to the 12th International Seminar on Speech Production, Providence, RI.
Rutherford, S., Angstadt, M., Johnson, C., Sripada, C., Chang, S-E. (2020). Big Data for Prediction in Out of Sample Clinical Datasets: Application to classifying stuttering in a pediatric resting state fMRI dataset. Proceedings of the 2020 OHBM Annual Meeting.
Hall, M, Lescht, E, Hampton Wray, Amanda, Chang, S-E, Fitzgerald, K, Liu, Y. Abnormal Brain Responses to Errors in Children Who Stutter. Michigan Speech-Language-Hearing Association (MSHA), Detroit, MI.
Taigman, J., Garnett, E.O., Drotos, A., McAuley, J.D., Chang, S-E. (2020). Rhythm Discrimination in Adults Who Stutter. Michigan Speech-Language-Hearing Association (MSHA), Detroit, MI.
Hansen, E., Johnson, C., Garnett, E. O., Sheppard, M., Al-Qadi, N., Masti, R., Russell, K., Chang, S-E. (2020). Syntactic Development in children who do and do not stutter that exhibit comparable disfluency rates. Michigan Speech-Language-Hearing Association (MSHA), Detroit, MI.
Chow, HM, Boley, N., Patil, S., Garnett, E. Chang, S-E. (2020). A link between energy metabolism and developmental stuttering. Motor Speech Conference, Santa Barbara, CA.
Liu, Y., Angstadt, M., Koenraads, S., Chang, S-E. (2019). Structural connectivity of the bilateral inferior frontal gyri in children who stutter. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), Orlando, FA.
Garnett, E.O., Thyagarajan, J., Angstadt, M., Rutherford, S., Chang, S-E. (2019). Brain Network Integration and Segregation Measures Differentiate Adults Who Stutter from Fluent Peers. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), Orlando, FA.
Spray, G., Garnett, E. O., Chow, H. (2019). Phonological skills and white matter integrity in children who stutter and fluent peers. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), Orlando, FA.
Koenraads, S.P.C., Spray G.J., Franken, M.C., van der Schroeff M.P., Chang S.E. (2019). Brain Development in Childhood Stuttering: A Longitudinal Neuroimaging Study. Dutch Society for Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Meeting, Nieuwegein, Nederland.
Koenraads, S.P.C., Spray G.J., Chow H.M., Garnett E.O., Chang S.E. (2019). Longitudinal Voxel-Based Morphometry of Persistency and Recovery of Childhood Stuttering. Poster, Society for the Neurobiology of Language (SNL), Helsinki, Finland.
Chang, S-E., Walsh, B., Wray, A.H. (2019). Neuroimaging Research Examining Neural Bases of Childhood. Seminar, Michigan Speech-Language-Hearing Association (MSHA), East Lansing, MI.
Garnett, E.O. (2019). Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation in Adults Who Stutter. Seminar, Michigan Speech-Language-Hearing Association (MSHA), East Lansing, MI.
Thyagarajan, J., Garnett, E.O., Chow, H.M., Chang, S-E. (2019). Brain Connectivity Among Speech-Motor Regions in Adults Who Stutter. Poster, Michigan Speech-Language-Hearing Association (MSHA), East Lansing, MI.
Spray, G.J., Johnson, C., Chow, H.M., Garnett, E.O., Chang, S-E. (2019). Relationship Between Language and White Matter Integrity Measures Differ Between Children Who Do and Do Not Stutter. Poster, Michigan Speech-Language-Hearing Association (MSHA), East Lansing, MI.
Johnson, C., Rubsam, S., Sheppard, M., Chow, H.M. (2019). MRI Training in Young Children Who Stutter and Age-Matched Controls Helps Increase Imaging Data Collection and Quality. Poster, Michigan Speech-Language-Hearing Association (MSHA), East Lansing, MI.
Liu, Y., London, D., Chang, S-E. (2019). Structural Connectivity of the Left Inferior Frontal Gyrus in Children Who Stutter. Poster, Michigan Speech-Language-Hearing Association (MSHA), East Lansing, MI.
Koenraads, S., Spray, G.J. (2019). Longitudinal Voxel-Based Morphometry of Persistency and Recovery of Childhood Stuttering. Poster, Michigan Speech-Language-Hearing Association (MSHA), East Lansing, MI.
Krishnaraj, A., Garnett, E.O., Hicks, K., Chang, S-E. (2019). A Children’s Book Designed to Increases Awareness of Childhood Stuttering. Poster, Michigan Speech-Language-Hearing Association (MSHA), East Lansing, MI.
Chang, S-E., Beal, D., Koenraads, S., Garnett, E.O., Tourville, J. (2018). Size, shape, and connectivity of cortical auditory-motor areas in children who stutter. Seminar, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), Boston, MA.
Johnson, C., Spray, G., Lescht, E., Chow, H., Chang, S-E. (2018). Temperament factors affecting quality MRI data acquisition with preschool-aged children who stutter. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), Boston, MA.
Johnson, C., Van Eck, M., Lescht, E., Spray, G., Chang, S-E. (2018). Quantifying percent stuttering occurrence based on word or syllable counts in children’s speech samples. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), Boston, MA.
Johnson, C., Rubsam, S., Sheppard, M., Chow, H., Chang, S-E. (2018). MRI training in preschool-aged children helps increase imaging data quality. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), Boston, MA.
Spray, G., Nitzkin, J., Cantor-Cutiva, L., Chang, S-E., & Hunter, E. (2018). Articulatory dynamics differentiate children who recover from stuttering from those who persist. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), Boston, MA.
Spray, G., Johnson, C., Lescht, E., Garnett, E.O., Chow, H., Chang, S-E. (2018). Neural correlates of lexical access and syntax in children who do and do not stutter. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), Boston, MA.
Chow, H., Chang, S-E. (2018). Stuttering-linked genes are associated with anomalous brain morphometry in children with persistent stuttering. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), Boston, MA.
Limb, S., Chow, H., Garnett, E.O., Chang, S-E. (2018). Heightened connectivity of the auditory cortex underlies induced fluency in adults who stutter. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), Boston, MA.
Johnson, C., Lescht, E., Spray, G., Chang, S-E. (2018). Weighted-SLD Stuttering Severity using Word and Syllable Counts. International Fluency Association (IFA) and International Stuttering Association (ISA) (2018 Joint World Congress). Hiroshima, Japan.
Lescht, E., Spray, G., Johnson, C., Garnett, E.O., Chow, H., Chang, S-E. (2018). Neural correlates of lexical diversity in children who do and do not stutter. International Fluency Association (IFA) and International Stuttering Association (ISA) (2018 Joint World Congress). Hiroshima, Japan
Garnett, E. O., Chow, H., Chang, S-E (2017). Corpus callosum morphology and developmental trajectories in developmental stuttering. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). Los Angeles, CA
Johnson, C., Garnett, E.O., Chow, H., Chang, S-E. (2017). Utterance-initial disfluencies in childhood stuttering. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). Los Angeles, CA
Chow, H., Etchell, A.E., Chang, S-E. (2017). Individual differences in white matter integrity in childhood stuttering. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). Los Angeles, CA *Meritorious poster designation
Chesters, J., Chow, H., Garnett, E.O., Chang, S-E. (2017). Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on measures of speech fluency and brain activity. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). Los Angeles, CA
Garnett, E. O., Chow, H., Chang, S-E (2017). Differences in the developmental trajectories of subcortical structures in childhood stuttering. Oxford Dysfluency Conference, Oxford, UK
Chow, H., Chang, S-E. (2017). Joint analysis of gray & white matter development trajectories associated with childhood stuttering. OHBM. Vancouver, Canada.
Etchell, A.E., Wieland, E., Chow, H., McAuley, D., Chang, S-E. (2017). Increased left cerebellar functional connectivity with rhythm networks in adults who stutter. OHBM. Vancouver, Canada.
Chow, H., Chang, S-E. (2017). White matter developmental trajectories in children who stutter. 7th International Conference on Speech Motor Control, July 5 to 8, 2017, Groningen, The Netherlands.
Garnett, E., H., Choo, A., Chow, Chang, S-E. (2017). Modulating neural activity with non-invasive brain stimulation in adults who stutter. 7th International Conference on Speech Motor Control, July 5 to 8, 2017, Groningen, The Netherlands.
Chow, H., Choo, A., Garnett, E., Chang, S-E. (2016). Differences in neuroanatomical development trajectories in children who do and do not stutter. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). Philadelphia, PA.
Ayres, K., Dilley, L., Wieland, E., Morrill, T., Arjmandi, M., Chang, S-E. (2016). Rhythm perception and temporal expectation in people who do and do not stutter. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). Philadelphia, PA.
Wieland, E., McAuley, D., Chow, H., Zhu, D., Chang, S-E. (2016). Rhythm perception and functional connectivity differences in adults who stutter. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). Philadelphia, PA.
Daliri, A., Wieland, E., Cai, S., Guenther, F., Chang, S-E. (2016). Auditory-motor adaptation is reduced in adults who stutter but not in children who stutter. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). Philadelphia, PA.
Choo, A., Johnson, C., Jones, K., Macker, N., Chang, S-E. (2016). Very mild stuttering versus disfluent non-stuttering children: Diagnostic utility of the weighted stuttering-like disfluencies measure. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). Philadelphia, PA.
Garnett, E., Chow, H., Chang, S-E. (2016). Brain morphology differences distinguish children with persistent stuttering from those who recovered. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). Philadelphia, PA.
Johnson, C., Chow, H., Chang, S-E. (2016). Can linguistic development trajectories differentiate between children who do and do not recover from stuttering? American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). Philadelphia, PA.
Choo, A., Garnett, E., Chow, H., Chang, S-E. (2016). Modulating neural activity with non-invasive brain stimulation in adults who stutter. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). Philadelphia, PA.
McAuley, J.D., Wieland, L., Chow, H., Wade, J., Chang, S-E. (2016). Behavioral and neuroimaging evidence for a core deficit in rhythm processing in developmental stuttering. International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC). San Francisco, CA.
Wieland, L., McAuley, J.D., Chow, H., Zhu, D.C., Chang, S-E. (2016). An fMRI study comparing rhythm perception in adults who do and do not stutter. International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC). San Francisco, CA.
Amick, L., Jones, K., Wade, J., Chang, S-E., McAuley, J.D. (2016). Modality and Tempo of Metronome-timed speech influence the extent of induced fluency effect in stuttering speakers. International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC). San Francisco, CA.
Spray, G.J., Berardi, M., Chang, S-E., Hunter, E. (2016). Voice differences in children who stutter. Michigan Speech Language Hearing Association Convention.
Spray, G.J., Chang, S-E., Hunter, E., Nitzkin, J.M., Berardi, M. (2016). F2 transitions in stuttering persistence and recovery. Michigan Speech Language Hearing Association Convention.
Chang, S-E. (2015). Subtle differences in brain network connectivity in children who stutter. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences.
Chang, S-E., Choo, A., Angstadt, M., Zhu, D.C. (2014). White matter differences in young children who stutter. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC. 2014 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. *Accepted into Neuroscience 2014’s media materials “Hot Topics” book.
Wieland, E.A., McAuley, J.D., Zhu, D., Dilley, L.C., Chang, S.E. (2014). Brain activity differences during rhythm discrimination in adults who stutter. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC. 2014 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner.
Wieland, E.A., Dilley, L.C., Burnham, E.B., Redford, M.A., Chang, S.E. (2014). Prosodic characteristics of fluent speech by children who do and do not stutter. Annual American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) meeting. Orlando, FL.
Wieland, E.A., McAuley, J.D., Zhu, D., Dilley, L.C., Chang, S.E. (2014). Rhythm perception deficits in adults who stutter. The Neurosciences and Music-V, Cognitive Stimulation and Rehabilitation. Dijon, France.
Chang, S.-E., Clark, A. (2013). Dissociations among linguistic, cognitive, and brain structural measures in children who stutter. Annual American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) meeting. Chicago, IL.
Wieland, E.A., McAuley, J.D., Dilley, L.C., Chang, S.E. (2013). A comparison of rhythm discrimination ability in stuttering and non-stuttering children. Society for Music Perception and Cognition (SMPC). Toronto, Canada.
Wieland, E.A., Cai, S., Ayres, K., & Chang, S.E. (2013). Speech motor adaptation to auditory perturbation in children who do and do not stutter. Michigan Speech-Language-Hearing Association annual conference. Dearborn, MI.
Chang, S-E., Zhu, D. (2012). Neural bases of childhood developmental stuttering.
ASHA Leader. 2 hour-seminar presented at the Annual American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) meeting. Atlanta, GA.
Kagerer, F.A., Chang, S.-E. (2012). Sensorimotor integration and adaptation in developmental stuttering. Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans. 2012 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. New Orleans, LA: Society for Neuroscience, 2012. *Accepted into Neuroscience 2012’s media materials “Hot Topics” book.
Chang, S.E., Zhu, D. (2012). Neural bases of childhood developmental stuttering: Insights from DTI tractography and resting state fMRI. Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans. 2012 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. New Orleans, LA: Society for Neuroscience, 2012. *Accepted into Neuroscience 2012’s media materials “Hot Topics” book.
Choo, A.L., Chang, S.-E., Zengin, H., Ambrose, N.G., Sharma, H., & Loucks,T. (2011). Corpus callosum morphology in children who stutter. ASHA Leader.
Chang, S-E., (2011). Acquired stuttering: theoretical and clinical implications. ASHA Leader
Chang, S-E., Horwitz, B., & Ludlow, C. (2010). Sex differences in brain connectivity underlying chronic stuttering. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego. 2010 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. San Diego, CA: Society for Neuroscience, 2010. *Accepted into Neuroscience 2010’s media materials “Hot Topics” book.
**Selected as a paper to be presented at the press conference “Speak Your Mind: Language and the Brain” at Neuroscience 2010 in San Diego
Chang, S-E., Horwitz, B., & Ludlow, C. (2009). Inter- and Intra-hemispheric functional connectivity differs during speech and non-speech production in stuttering speakers.
Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL. 2009 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner.
Chicago, IL: Society for Neuroscience, 2009. *Accepted into Neuroscience 2009’s media materials “Hot Topics” book.
*This work was selected by the faculty of 1000 Medicine as a particularly important development in the field. See:
Chang, S-E., Horwitz, B., & Ludlow, C. (2009). Motor area activity is modulated to a greater degree by sensory regions during non-speech than during speech production:
An fMRI psychophysiological interaction (PPI) study. NeuroImage, 47(S1), S63.
Chang, S-E., Loucks, T., Kenney, MK., & Ludlow, C. (2008). Functional neuroanatomy differences for speech and non-speech processing in stuttering. ASHA Leader, 13 (10), Program No. 1571.
Chang, S-E., Loucks, T., Kenney, MK., Poletto, C., & Ludlow, C. (2007). Auditory and motor region responses during speech and non-speech perception and production. NeuroImage, 36(S1), S63.
Loucks, T., Kenney, MK., Chang, S-E., Poletto, C., & Ludlow, C. (2007). Planning to production: The functional organization of speech and non-speech utterances. NeuroImage, 36 (S1), S74.
Chang, S-E., Kenney, MK., Loucks, T., Poletto, C., & Ludlow, C. (2007). Cortical reductions in sensorimotor co-activation are specific to speech in stuttering. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA. Program No. 2007 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. San Diego, CA: Society for Neuroscience, 2007. Online.
Ambrose, N.G., Chang, S-E., Chon, H. C., King, A., & Steger, S. J. (2007). Right ear advantage and laterality in stuttering children and adults. ASHA Leader
Chang, S-E., Erickson, K., Ambrose, N., & Hasegawa-Johnson, M., & Ludlow, C. (2006). Deficient white matter development in left hemisphere speech-language regions in children who stutter. Program No. 488.14. 2006 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Atlanta, GA: Society for Neuroscience, 2006. Online.
*Accepted into Neuroscience 2006’s media materials “Hot Topics” book.
*This study was featured in the December, 2006 issue of Clinical Neurology News
Chang, S-E., Erickson, K., & Ambrose, N. (2005). An MRI Study on Childhood Stuttering Persistence and Recovery. ASHA Leader, 10 (11), Program No. 0940.
Chang, S-E., Erickson, K., Ambrose, N. (2005). Regional white and gray matter volumetric growth differences in children with persistent versus recovered stuttering: An MRI (VBM) Study. Program No. 565.5. 2005 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2005. Online.
Chang, S-E., Hasegawa-Johnson, M., & Ambrose, N. (2004). Structural evidence for sensorimotor deficits in children who stutter: an MRI study. ASHA Leader, Program No. 0504.