November 15-17, 2018

UM and MSU members of the Speech Neurophysiology Lab attended ASHA in Boston and gave presentations on topics ranging from brain-genetic links suggesting biological mechanisms of stuttering, auditory-motor neuroanatomical differences found in children who stutter, disfluent vs fluency-induced speech-linked brain activity in people who stutter, and temperament and mock training effects on movement in pediatric imaging. 

September 28, 2018

The lab’s new article: Functional and Neuroanatomical Bases of Developmental Stuttering: Current Insights by Chang et al. was recently published in the journal Neuroscientist. 

September 20, 2018

Our recent paper published in the journal Brain was reviewed by Neurology Today: Children with Persistent Stuttering Show Reduced Cortical Thickness in Premotor Cortex.

September 7, 2018

The SNL Summer newsletter is out!

August 24, 2018

UM and MSU members of the Speech Neurophysiology Lab attended the Inagural Great Lakes Stuttering Research Symposium at Michigan State University. Researchers focused on advancing basic and clinical research, from MSU, UM, Indiana university, Wayne state university, U Toledo, Kent State university, and Purdue university attended.  

July 13-16, 2018

Dr. Chang and PhD students Greg Spray, Chelsea Johnson, and Erica Lescht attended the 2018 Inagural Joint World Congress on Stuttering and Cluttering held in Hiroshima, Japan (July 13-16).

Lab presentations included:

Dr. Chang presented two Junior Researcher Forums with Dr. Nan Bernstein Ratner.

Greg Spray gave a presentation entitled: Neural Processes Underlying Phonological Awareness Differentiates Persistence and Recovery in Young Children Who Stutter (authors: Gregory Spray, Amanda Hampton Wray).

Erica Lescht, Gregory Spray, and Chelsea Johnson presented a poster entitled: Neural Correlates of Lexical Diversity in Children Who Do and Do Not Stutter (authors: Erica Lescht, Gregory Spray, Chelsea Johnson, Emily Garnett, Ho Ming Chow, Soo-Eun Chang).

June 14-16, 2018

Dr. Chang and PhD students Greg Spray and Chelsea Johnson attended the 3rd International Conference on Stuttering in Rome, Italy.

Dr. Chang gave a presentation entitled: Neuroanatomical bases of childhood stuttering persistence and recovery. Chelsea Johnson gave a presentation entitled: Mock MRI training procedures improve chances of successful MRI data acquisition in pre- school-age children who do and do not stutter. (authors: Chelsea Johnson, Saralyn Rubsam, Megan Sheppard, Ho Ming Chow, Soo-Eun Chang).

June 4, 2018

New article in Press in the journal Brain!

Garnett, E.O., Chow, H., Nieto Castañón, A., Tourville, J., Guenther, F., Chang, S-E.  Anomalous morphology in left hemisphere motor and premotor cortex of children who stutter. 

April 20, 2018

The lab’s new article: A Systematic Literature Review of Sex Differences in Childhood Language and Brain Development  by Etchell et al. was recently published in the journal Neuropsychologia

March 7, 2018

Our lab's research was recently featured in an article on Michigan State University Extension's website! 

February 23, 2018

New Clinical trial on stuttering and tDCS approved! Emily Garnett leads this study. 

February 16, 2018

The SNL Winter newsletter is out! 

January 26th, 2018

Denise London has joined the lab as the lab manager on the U of M campus. To read more about Denise. Denise replaces Cece Simonsen, who will be leaving this summer to purse her master's degree in Speech-Language Pathology.  Congratulations to them both!